PTA Roles and Responsibilities
Parent Associations: A Foundation for Parent Involvement
Parent Teacher Associations are one important way for parents to support public education and their local school communities.
The primary role of the Parent-Teacher Association is to provide a forum through which parents can become more involved in the education of their children.
The PTA may fulfil this role in a number of ways, including:
Conduct outreach to its members to determine the needs and interest of membership.
Plan activities designed to attract and recruit more parents to build a robust parent involvement program.
Help to provide access to information and available educational resources to all the parents in the School.
Identify issues of concern and work with educators to address these issues.
Provide opportunities for professional development for its parent membership
Partner with other members of the school community (e.g., Parent Coordinator, Learning Leaders) to offer services to families and share resources;
Engage in the school-based decision making process involvement and active participation on School Leadership Teams.
Hold and support fund-raising activities to benefit the children and association.
Sustain parent involvement and participation in school activities.
Establish multiple communication systems (e.g., newsletters, e-mail account, websites, phone trees) to ensure regular contact with members.